On November 28, 2007 I gave birth to my first born son Judah Gabriel Rivera.  We went into his birth knowing that he had already passed away; with no warning, no sign he was gone.  Our lives were shaken and devastated. We walked away that day with only a set a foot prints, and so many unanswered questions.  During my labor I was lucky enough to have my friend and photographer Joyce Santana-Malave at my side.  She captured every moment just the way I wanted to remember it.  My photos helped me grieve, remember, and process all of the emotions.  She gave me the opportunity to hold on to his memory yet some how let go of some of the pain.  I am forever grateful to her and her grace in that moment to give us the gift that we will cherish for a lifetime.  In memory of my son I have given and continue to give this same gift to countless others who have endured the same or similar loss, this precious gift.....Judah's gift.

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Photo Credit: Joyce Santana-Malave